The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
-Pablo Neruda
and the sun radiates from your eyes
With a chaste heart,
with pure eyes,
I celebrate your beauty
holding the leash of blood
so that it might leap out
and trace your outline
you lie down in my ode
as in a land of forests, or in surf;
in aromatic loam
or in sea-music.
Beautiful nude:
equally beautiful
your feet
arched by primeval tap
of wind or sound;
your ears
small shells
of the splendid American sea;
your flying
eyelids of wheat
or enclosing
the two deep countries of your eyes.
It is not only light that falls
over the world,
spreading inside your body
its suffocated snow,
so much as clarity
taking its leave of you
as if you were
on fire within.
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