Always wear your lap belt or your lap and shoulder belts if your vehicle is equipped with them. Even if the vehicle is equipped with air bags wear both the lap and shoulder belt.
If you wear only a lap belt when driving, your chances of living through a collision are twice as good as someone who doesn't wear a lap belt.
If you wear a lap and shoulder belt, your chances are three to four times better.
Pregnant women should wear the lap belt as low as possible under the abdomen and the shoulder strap between the breasts and to the side of the abdomen's bulge.
The safety belt must be in good working order and must be worn by you and any passenger who is age six or older and weighs over 60 lbs. while the car is moving.
Never hold a child on your lap or buckle yourself and a child into a single safety belt.
Never buckle two children into a single safety belt.
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